Monday, May 25, 2020
Food Inc, opinion paper - 1518 Words
Question 1: Based on your viewing of Food, Inc., how does your view of â€Å"farm-fresh†and other marketing messages that suggest a more organic flow of food products relate to the realities of 21st-century marketing channels for food? The American Marketing Association defines marketing as â€Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large†( The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, which means that a company needs to sell the right product at the right price and in the right place, using the best promotion. Because of†¦show more content†¦I just purchase the foods that I want and pay no attention to whether they are â€Å"farm-fresh†, organic, locally grown, etc. I will buy whatever is cheapest, not whatever is healthiest, mos t natural, or whatever. My opinion and food purchasing habits will most likely not change after viewing this movie. This question reminds me of high school health class, where we had to watch â€Å"Supersize Me.†Everyone started saying how gross it is, that they are never eating at McDonalds again, or whatever other promises they were making. All I could think was that I could totally go for some McNuggets after school that day! I guess it is just because I have never worried about where the food I eat comes from. However, I have always paid attention to salmonella and E. coli recalls. I remember not eating beef or spinach or peanut butter when there was an outbreak in their plants, because why would I want to get sick? So, I would say no, I will not change where or how I procure my groceries. I will not say that I did not get sad watching those little baby chicks die, or the chickens getting slung around. And those poor cows getting slaughtered, and that one that had that h ole and the guy was digging around in her stomach, and said that she was not in pain†¦how does he know?! He’s just cut a big hole in her and is sticking his hand in her stomach, and she cannot tell you that she is in pain! Question 3: Finally, do you think there are anyShow MoreRelatedDocumentaries Have Been Around For Ages. The Genre Is Often1230 Words  | 5 Pages mold public opinion, shape policy, and build activist networks†(Nisbet 450). Subjects that were originally brushed under the rug, now gains much more attention. Documentaries can span from every subject from wrongful convictions, to food choices, to animal cruelty. This paper will examine the impact of documentaries, problems they uncovered, and the responses made by each company. In particular, I will be exploring the documentaries Food Inc. and Blackfish. Food Inc. 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