Thursday, May 14, 2020
Gender Discrimination in Hotels - 877 Words
Gender discrimination If we were asked to think of the hostile environment for women in the workplace, many of us, initially, would envision blatant employment discrimination, more-so sexual harassment. Despite living in the new age, where such behavior is denounced and illegal, these associations are in no way surprising. Mis-organizational conduct is far too familiar ground to us all. In fact, statistics from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission show that â€Å"there has been no systematic decline over the past 12years in the number of discrimination lawsuits filed or the amount of monetary damages to the plaintiffs of these suits.†However, not all forms of discrimination generate much attention. Evidence has proved that gender†¦show more content†¦Jobs tend to be gender based, by virtue of both the number of females versus males and the attributes deemed necessary for performance. Statistically represented, either sex will highly represent many organizational roles and occupational categories. This theory is incorporated in Heilman’s â€Å"Lack of Fit model of Gender Discrimination†. It thus mirrors, that typically male dominated jobs are perceived as requiring traditionally masculine characteristics; and vice-versa being equally correct . There is a distinct trend in how staff is selected; usually more feminine individuals are selected. Discrimination may vary between age, race and more-so gender. Gender discrimination cannot, thus, be eradicated. We find that there appears to be a higher female to male ratio in the Front Office department. This is not necessarily mandatory but has definitely set a trend. Many women with more confidence, taller, petite, out-spoken with more defined features are usually placed as the â€Å"face of the hotel†i.e.: in Front Office. This is opposed to more masculine and passive males, who might intimidate guests. Front office personnel are front of the house staff, meaning they are in constant contact with customers and represent the hotel on a large scale. Therefore, human resource staffs tend to hire women versus men, friendlier yet professional candidates. It too has been detected, based on perhaps male intuition or egotism, for guests, especially men, toShow MoreRelatedA Short Note On Business Affairs And Hospitality Industry1645 Words  | 7 Pagesthe hotel industry pr ovides a safe and comfortable shelter for people traveling away from home through accommodations, tourism, recreation, and food services. 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