Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Deterrent Of The Punishment - 972 Words
â€Å"Research to date generally indicates that increases in the certainty of punishment, as opposed to the severity of punishment, are more likely to produce deterrent benefits†(Wright, 1). The seriousness of the penalty should prompt the possible offenders to think twice or weigh their options prior to carrying out a crime. Half of State inmates and a third of Federal prisoners reported committing their current offense under the influence of alcohol or drugs (Mumola). This works against the deterrence theory because while the individual is under the influence their thought process is dysfunctional. There isn’t a sound thought process in their mind while committing or before deciding whether or not to commit the crime. â€Å"Therefore, it is unlikely that such persons are deterred by either the certainty or severity of punishment because of their temporarily impaired capacity to consider the pros and cons of their actions†(Wright, 2). Another reason deterrenc e is imperfect is that if there was actual certainty that the criminal would be apprehended, limited people would do so. â€Å"Most crimes, including serious ones, do not result in an arrest and conviction, the overall deterrent effect of the certainty of punishment is substantially reduced†(wright, 2). Increasing severity of punishment and sentencing over the years has had little effect because the potential criminals think about the chance of them not getting detained for committing their crime. If the public was more certainShow MoreRelatedIs Capital Punishment A Deterrent?1138 Words  | 5 Pagesteaching regarding capital punishment present some challenges for me. The teaching references and explains that â€Å"since punishment involves the deliberate infliction of evil on another, it is always in need of justification†(McKenna, 12). The three traditional justifications for capital punishment include retribution, deterrence, and reform (McKenna, 12). Conside ring these justifications, the teaching explains that none of these are viable reasons for enacting capital punishment. Reform as a justificationRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect971 Words  | 4 Pagespenalty has significant deterrent effects, supporting the use of capital punishment. In particular, American constitutional legal scholars Cass R Sunstein and Adrien Vermeule presented their 2005 study, â€Å"Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? The Relevance of Life-Life Tradeoffs,†which supports the notion of capital punishment as a deterrent. Sunstein and Vermeule’s study specifically presents the argument of the morality behind the death penalty’s significant deterrent effect, in light of recentRead More Capital Punishment As Deterrent Essay446 Words  | 2 Pages I find no conclusive evidence to support the view that the death penalty is or is not an effective deterrent in controlling crime. Opponents of capital punishment argue that it is not a deterrent, because in some states where capital punishment is allowed the crime rate goes up. Others argue that capital punishment deters violent crime, though it is difficult to provide numerical evidence. Dozens of studies have examined the relationship between murder and the death penalty comparing murder ratesRead MoreCapital Punishment As A Deterrent Of Crime1354 Words  | 6 PagesCapital punishment as a Deterrent to Crime Is it ethically wrong to execute offenders after they have carried out a certain horrendous crime? Two sisters vanished while strolling home from a shopping center in a calm suburb of Washington, and a far reaching inquiry yielded nothing. As months swung to years, and after that decades, any desires for realizing what happened to the young ladies dwindled. Law enforcement authorities vowed to work to pursue each individual who was included in the crimeRead More Capital Punishment Is A Deterrent To Crime Essay1202 Words  | 5 PagesCapital Punishment has ended the lives of criminals for centuries. People have debated whether the government should have the power to decide one person’s life. On one side, people think the government does not have the right to play God as well as believe that the death penalty is simply unethical. Forty-eight percent of a half sample survey stated that life imprisonment was a better punishment for murder while forty-seven percent stated that capital punishment was a better punishment (Newport)Read MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect On Crime Essay2996 Words  | 12 Pages Does the Death Penalty Have Any Deterrent Effect on Crime Name Institution Abstract The question of the death penalty has been subject to heated debate on if it serves in deterring criminal activities. Through exploration into findings of several studies, it would be possible to validate whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on crimes. Various studies are explored with the objective of understanding which side of the debate is stronger. The findings of this studyRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect On Crime Essay2970 Words  | 12 PagesWhether the Death Penalty Has Any Real Deterrent Effect on Crime Name Institution Abstract The question of capital punishment has been stirring heated debate in regards to whether it indeed does or doesn’t deter criminal activities. By exploring findings from various studies, this paper aims at validating whether death penalty has a deterrent effect on crimes. Various studies are explored with the objective of understanding which side of the debate is stronger. The findings of thisRead MoreIs Capital Punishment An Effective And Humane Deterrent1978 Words  | 8 PagesIs Capital Punishment an effective and humane deterrent for crime? Capital punishment has been around for generations and it has been a controversial topic. The viewpoint in America comes from our ancestors in the United Kingdom and has evolved into the current issue of its constitutionality. Capital punishment has proved to be effective in its ability to achieve retribution for certain crimes and maintain public order. Deterrence has always been a popular reason for keeping the death pen alty, butRead MoreThe History of Capital Punishment as a Deterrent to Crime Essay2614 Words  | 11 Pagesconcerning capital punishment, or the death penalty. Through the passing of time, our society castigates transgressors with the death penalty. Many nations through time have decided to enact this harsh treatment. In the United States alone, the federal government has persevered to reinforce people to death (Marzillo 10). According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, â€Å"Capital Punishment is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense.†Over the centuries capital punishment has beenRead More Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay1483 Words  | 6 PagesWhile Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is cruel and unusual punishment which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certain
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